Retreat Center in Peru & Zoom mentoring

Unconscious connection between thought and belief

To dissolve the ego, it's essential to deeply examine its thought system and how it fixates on certain thoughts, turning them into deeply embedded beliefs.

It's not the ego's thoughts that govern you, but your belief in them.

Egoic thoughts are delusional, as they arise from a false idea that Jesus calls, "The tiny, mad idea that the Son of God forgot to laugh at"—the notion of separation from our Source.

This concept of separation creates the illusion of bodies, the world, and all the limited perceptions we experience.

However, it's not the thought itself that holds power; it's our belief in that thought.

What we experience as "reality" is projected from this belief. A simple example: if a thought arises saying, "You are a banana," you would laugh because you don’t believe it. Therefore, it holds no impact. In the same way, ego thoughts lose their grip when you stop believing in them.

Yet, when you give a thought validity, through belief, it strengthens within you and projects outward.

It creates a self-reinforcing loop, where you become stuck in ego-driven experiences that align with the thought's delusional cause, keeping you trapped in the illusion.

This process is akin to stubbornness—believing you're right without questioning it.

The false cause produces insane effects (the dream of separation), but you cannot see this until you begin to question and release these beliefs. The Holy Spirit, the whole and healthy part of your mind, helps correct these mistaken beliefs because Truth is always simple and direct: "The effect never leaves its cause".

You can meditate on this truth, which will unravel layers of illusion. All the chaos you perceive in the world has its roots in your mind. By identifying the cause within, recognizing the mistake, and releasing it, the effects will change, and you’ll perceive the world in an entirely new way.

You are not powerless over your beliefs. You made them, and with willingness and divine assistance, you can undo them.

In essence, there is little difference between believing you're a human or believing you're a banana. When you wake up, you'll laugh at all your illusions, and only joy and lightheartedness will remain.

With love,
Ananda L.

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