Psilocybin Healing Retreats
& Online Master Classes

Psilocybin Healing Retreats
& Online Master Classes

Are you relative? Or Absolute?

Relativity always involves observable Objects.

Objects can be planets, stars, galaxies, humans, etc.

But it goes beyond the physical: everything that can be observed is an object, including thoughts, beliefs, concepts, emotions.

From the moment there is an observable object, this object is on the relative plane; it can be observed, compared, measured.

For movement to occur, there must be a relationship between two objects, such as with the Earth spinning around the Sun or a car driving on the road over seemingly motionless ground.

No object is motionless; they all move without exception.

Look at a coffee cup on your dining room table. It seems motionless, but in reality, it moves at full speed like the physical body you think you are, giving the illusion of immobility because the observing subject moves at the same speed as the observed object. Indeed, the Earth rotates on its axis, and it orbits the Sun. The solar system also orbits the central sun of the Galaxy, and the Galaxy itself rotates in relation to other galaxies. Inside the coffee cup, particles move at light speed within atoms.

Everything moves in the relative world of objects.

It's like when you're on a moving train. If you're inside, you don't notice the movement of the cars unless you look out the window and use another object, like the landscape, as a reference.

Everything relative has a beginning and an end.

Cycles vary in length depending on the object, but all objects—whether galaxies, stars, planets, human bodies, or cells—follow a cycle.

Everything that is born will indeed die.

The same goes for thoughts and emotions, which appear and disappear. It's commonly said that a thought or emotion "flows through us".

This is relativity, the relative world (Maya), always in motion. It never stands still, despite the illusion of immobility caused by an observer anchored on the same relative plane.

The man meditating under a tree may appear immobile, but in fact, both are moving through space at full speed. Since they are on the same relative plane, Earth, it creates the illusion of stillness, while the Sun, on another relative plane, moves in front of them.

Close your eyes, meditate, and distance yourself from your relative plane. You will realize that your physical body (an object) is moving at full speed in space with Earth.

You can even go beyond the Earth plane and sense the movement of the galaxy.

Your mind can grasp this undeniable fact, even if you cannot consciously feel it yet.

Your mind itself can be observed. It appears and disappears each night between deep sleep (without dreams) and daydreams (consciousness of the dream world).

Yet whether your mind is active or not, you still exist.

In meditation, we often observe our minds, our mental activity—thoughts that come and go, emotions that come and go, visions that come and go.

The fake light of the universe is also an object; it travels through space.

Music notes and sounds are objects. They appear, disappear, and move like fake light in space. Scents are objects too, with a beginning and an end.

Even a personality, or ego, is an object. Everything that is born, changes, and dies is an object.

This is the Relative Plane.

Now, let's see what doesn't move,
which is Absolute.

Close your eyes and feel the emptiness. Be present in it.

Now, in this emptiness, visualize a space containing one sun and a planet orbiting it, with nothing else to distract your focus. Can you see them?

Hold this visualization without forcing it.

Observe the movement while also noticing what does not move.

Do you feel it?

---Take time to do this---

What has never moved in your visualization is the emptiness itself! It was there before, during, and now, even with your eyes open, it remains.

This emptiness is always NOW. It’s even within the objects you see in your everyday life. Like an unnoticed elephant in the room, "It" just is. 😉

This emptiness has no polarity, no gender—"THAT" is non-dual.

Emptiness is not an object. It has no limits; it is infinite and ONE. It cannot be defined, identified, or conceptualized.

It has no history, no beginning, no end. Yet it is the foundation for everything that appears, moves, and disappears within it.

There are no separate parts of emptiness to compare—it is ONE. It cannot be compared because there is no "other."

Emptiness has no preference, polarity, or identity. It has no history—only an eternal NOW.

Emptiness is ageless, unaffected by time (which relates to objects).

It is stillness.

What you feel inside, unmoving and without identity, is Pure Spirit, Being, Life, God, your pure Presence: I AM.

Physicists searching for matter keep failing, even with ever-stronger particle accelerators. They search for the "God particle," seeking God in matter—the quantum, the infinitely small.

However, some physicists, more open-minded, realized that instead of searching for matter, they should explore emptiness—not in the world, but within their Spirit (through meditation).

And in this infinite and unified emptiness, they discovered that All That Is is contained within it—completeness.

Physicists call it the zero point.

All is emptyness—both outside of what you think you are and within.

When you immerse yourself in meditation within your heart, you discover this infinite emptiness, which contains everything. The infinite love of the Creator for His creation.

No longer identifying with objects or the identities you've created over time.

So, the question arises:

Am I an object?

Am I relative?

Or Absolute?

If you believe you are "someone," an object—whether a concept of the soul or the body—then you're dreaming of separation within the relative world of duality, a world that doesn’t truly exist and can be called an illusion or hallucination of the mind.

For Einstein the world is an illusion, an hallucination of the mind. And he was right on this point.

For Einstein the time is an illusion, and here again he was right.

If you think you are someone or something describable, labeling yourself "I am this" or "I am that," you’ve anchored yourself to an identity and objectified yourself in your mind.

This projection creates an ego, which is the mind's dream, identifying you as a body of matter (which doesn’t exist) in space and time (which also don’t exist). Welcome to your dream!

This gives the illusion of being relative. You are born, die, and are reborn—this is Maya, the illusion of "me," the ego’s cycle of reincarnation (Samsara).

In society, everything reinforces this illusion—the cult of personality. A baby is born, given a mental body to interact with the world, and assigned a label, identity, parents, culture, nationality. You become deeply attached to these identities—your stories, fears, memories, desires—and lost in the mind.

Your mind, trapped in this cage of beliefs, has built an identity. A prison—the ego.

The ego, by definition, is "the thought that you are separate from God," a belief in duality. You've created a character destined to die, like all objects in the manifested universe. But this universe, which you perceive, is not the creation of God as religions suggest. It is merely part of your dream.

Are you truly this object, apparently separated from God?

Or are you One with the Absolute?

What is this character, this individual, this object you think you are? In whom, or rather in what, did this individual/object appear?

The answer is that all of this appears in your mind. The true YOU is not the one you think you are, but the one you always have been and always will be: Pure Spirit.

Not an object in the mind, but the Eternal Truth in your heart—pure love, pure spirit, eternally One with God, innocent, and holy.

Spirit is Infinite and One with God.

There is only One Spirit. It has no identity, no history, no beginning, and no end.

Pure Spirit is infinite, unchanging, and formless, existing beyond time and space, in an eternal NOW—pure Presence.

Here's another method for visualization:

Imagine a blank sheet of paper with words written on it. As you read the words, emotions, ideas, and thoughts emerge. But the blank page, the neutral medium, remains unchanged. The blank page is the observer, untouched by the stories written on it.

Similarly, Spirit is pure, detached from the illusions of the physical world. All sounds rise and fall back into silence, and all colors originate from pure white light. Reality cannot be found in illusion but exists within the pure Spirit of God, where perfect love and peace reside.

True reality lies within your eternal self, beyond the physical. Open your heart, and you will see: Love is Spirit.

Love is I AM.

When emotional turmoil arises, if you focus on the emotions, you'll notice they’re tied to the relative individual—the "I" you identify with. Yet, behind the noise, there is a deep, constant peace, much like a blank page beneath the words. This peace is Spirit—unchanging and unaffected.

Who are you?

Are you relative or absolute?

Are you merely a concept, or are you Pure Love?

When the question was asked to the Awakened Being"s": Who are you?

Jesus said: "I am what I am"

Buddha said: "I am awake"

Ramana Maharshi said: "To find out who I am, discover who you are"

Mooji says: "I Am That"

Whether Jesus, Buddha, Ramana Maharshi, Mooji, or any enlightened being, you cannot be more or less than them. We are all already That, whether awakened or not.

The dreamer is lost in the mind; the awakened One lives in the heart—Absolute Love, merged with the Creator, forming an indivisible One.

As long as there is a subject, there is an object, and this is where judgment, comparison, and the desire to change the dream arise.

The ego wants to take the throne of God. Always in the past or the future of the dream, never satisfied, it is a bottomless abyss.

The ego invents stories—past and future (as the Soul or a memory of illusions)—never in the present moment, emptiness, or peace. It is always worried, thinking it is the author of its actions and responsible for its own survival.

Meanwhile, like an unseen elephant in the room, the Reality of the Eternal is omnipresent.

To his disciples, who asked when the Kingdom would come, Jesus replied: "It is not by watching that we will see it coming. We won't say: 'Here it is!' or: 'Here's the moment!' The Father's Kingdom extends over the earth, but men do not see it."
(Source: Apocryphal The Gospel According to Thomas, logia 113, discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, 1945)

In Truth, all is One.

When the two become One—when the inside is the outside and the top is the bottom, making male and female one, so that neither is male nor female, when you see with eyes beyond the physical—then you will enter the Kingdom.
(Source: Apocryphal The Gospel According to Thomas, logia 22)

Duality does not exist, as it is not a second BEING. Even if something appears separate, in Reality, everything is One.

Only God IS.


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