On the spiritual path of awakening, we see and feel the inner journey as that of the soul, the character, going towards God, the ineffable Creator.

There is devotion, introspection, and all the tools at our disposal to get closer to God…

But who goes to God? Who devotes himself to God? Who is introspecting?

Who is this “I” who feels separated and goes towards God?

There is still “something” separated from God to do this… and at first it is normal…

But at a certain point, one must make a definitive choice for the shift to occur.

To make this choice of God and His Kingdom, is also and first of all to let go of the other (the ego and its illusory world… maya). Because dream and reality (awakening) are impossible to reconcile (and fortunately). You can’t dream and be awake at the same time. You have to choose.

The closer you get to it, the more deeply you feel that it is one or the other… that you have to choose and that this choice is without compromise.

What we call letting go takes on a whole new scope and definition when you get closer and have to “choose again” as J. said in the last chapter of ACIM :

What I’m sharing with you here is my own experience of this shift from this uncompromising choice.
At some point, I see the choice between the two. And I have to choose the ONE, or anything else…
Here is the picture of the 2 worlds, the one of the dream on the left (ego & maya) and the one of the Infinite Creator and the reality of the eternal Heaven on the right…

I have explored the depths of hell and suffering (illusory) resulting from the illusion of separation from The Creator of Eternal Life (projected in the hologram in different forms, images and illusions), from what I really am: Eternal and ONE Life.

Without form, without name, without personal identity, abstract, without concept, without time, without space, infinite Love and bliss that surpasses human understanding limited by the veils of the illusion of the ego (separate soul and all its effects up to the physical body in the fractal of the illusion of maya).

I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death with J. (or the Holy Spirit if you prefer) by my side. I have seen the total insanity, the lies, the insanity, the cruelty, the fear, the defense and attack mechanisms, the stupidity, the judgment, the condemnation, the guilt, the shame, the feeling of betrayal, abandonment, rejection, humiliation, and all the subsequent wounds of this illusory separate soul, and I have seen other illusions of souls with their different levels of experience of this same insane illusion and their consequent sufferings as illusory as they are useless.

This insanity, this illusion, stems from one mistake, one and only mistake, that of having believed in separation from our Creator… a lie that in reality never happened… (even if we experience the dream…) the dream is not real because it has not a real cause (the separation from God never happened in Reality), we dream of being a separate identity (ego), as when at night you dream, well there it is the same, it is always the dream, and at the true awakening is the reality of what you Are, have always been and will be forever.

As J. says in ACIM:

“You spend your time dreaming.
Your night dreams and your day dreams seem to be different, but they are different only in appearance.”

For you are That, just as Buddha or Jesus realized it, so will you realize it, when you decide to look in your Spirit at the Truth that lies there for eternity.

The veil you have to cross…

What holds you back from really seeing, this veil, is the guilt deeply buried in your Spirit about everything you thought you had seen or done in hell during your thousands of dreams of incarnations which constitute the illusion you call “your soul”.

What frees you is the forgiveness that recognizes the total unreality of the sin of the Son of God.

For you are Innocent forever.
Loved forever by God your Creator and what you are.
Without any difference or separation from Him.
Perfect. Complete. Innocent. Pure forever. The Christ.
So it is for your brothers and sisters in the dream, since All is ONE. Either illusion (one great illusion appearing multiple) or reality.

Forgiveness recognizes the total unreality of the dream (the world, the space-time, the universe, the multiverse and all its dimensions / fractals), as well as of the dreamed individual (main character, causal identity (soul) and fractals of all its subtle and physical bodies).

Not being real, they cannot be guilty!

The ego tells you that they are guilty and deserve punishment, different and separate from you… but the Holy Spirit tells you that you are dreaming of separation and that you are blaming yourself in your dream! That you are judging yourself or giving love to yourself…
The ego tells you that you are tiny, stupid and fragile… the Holy Spirit tells you the opposite of the ego, he tells you that you are the Eternal and Infinite Life, that you are the innocent and pure Christ forever as God created you.

The ego tells you that your brothers and sisters are characters outside and different from you… the Holy Spirit tells you that in order to see yourself correctly, you must see your brothers and sisters as the infinite, innocent and perfect Christ. For what they really Are!

“Thus you will see them, thus you will see yourself.” J.

The Holy Spirit invites you to examine the hell in which you think you are, to reject the illusion in order to wake up in the eternal Heaven in God.

The Holy Spirit invites you to wake up to your eternal innocence including all the insignificant images that you have projected and seen in your dream. Without exception. Without any grudge. It invites you to free yourself from pain, limitation and death… being only dream illusions of separation.

Nothing in the world of illusion can be guilty of anything, otherwise it would mean that you still believe that this world, this dream, is real!

But it is not!

It is indeed a dream, from which you will wake up.

And when you wake up from it, you find yourself where you have always been!!!
Nothing has changed!
You are still the same, but just awake!
And you realize that you simply dreamed of being something else than what you are from all eternity !

And this Being that you Are, has no form!
It is Infinite!
Pure Spirit, pure Love and ONE!
There is nothing else!
And it is God!
There is no difference nor separation between the Creator and His extension of the Whole that we call here below (to give words): “The Christ”.

Before the beginning – The story before the Big Bang !

You are that.
But you cannot be both!
You have to choose…
The ONE is real… and the other is not… it is a dream… an illusion…

You have to choose.

God is Love, and not to choose Love is to choose something other than God.
God is infinite, and not to choose the Infinite is to choose the limitation of the ego.

The ego tells you to bring the Divine to hell, to divinize the images of its illusory world where everything is separate… the Holy Spirit tells you that Jesus is standing at the door of the asylum and that he invites you to join him in eternal Heaven.

Now hear these two voices, and hear them well… see what they propose to you…. they are two totally opposite and irreconcilable directions (the ego says you can reconcile them, the Holy Spirit tells you that you can’t, that you have to choose… either you are dreaming or you are awake), and now choose again which of these two voices you want to listen to…

The ego will guide you again into Samsara (hell) promising you an ever more specific, special and particular evolution, while the Holy Spirit invites you to wake up to what you are from all eternity, to the eternal Life (outside the illusory space-time) and without any limitation, The pure omnipotent and omniscient Spirit, infinite joy and eternal bliss, to Christ in God (The perfect Nameless Love that here on earth we call God, Allah, Ĕlōah, Brahman, Shiva, Deva, The Source or any other name to designate the indefinable, ineffable Infinite Creator).

The ego tells you to back off in which case you will lose everything (everything you think you have)… the Holy Spirit obviously tells you just the opposite (the ego is only lying, stemming itself from a lie that never happened in reality), the Holy Spirit tells you that by letting go of your illusions, it is the infinite totality that you are recovering (you never lost it in reality) and that you are not losing anything to the All. You only lose your illusions of guilt, hatred and pain. And behind this illusory veil the Truth reveals itself as it has never moved.

In the table of the two worlds above where I have put the oppositions between illusion and reality, I have deliberately put the bubble of “true forgiveness” in the left column, that of the ego and its illusory world. For forgiveness is an illusion. In Heaven there is nothing to forgive. Forgiveness is the only illusion that brings you out of the illusion. Forgiveness only forgives illusions. Illusions that you have believed about yourself.

Forgiveness sees the error and gently corrects it in your seemingly divided mind.
Forgiveness sets you free because it recognizes that what is not true, never happened.

Or as J. tells you in the introduction to ACIM:

“Nothing Real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
In this lies the peace of God.”

Forgiveness simply gives permission to the Holy Spirit to correct the error for you in your Spirit. Forgiveness lets go of the error. Not giving it any reality. For all your errors are in your dream, in your dream of the past which is gone never having existed, which is not real and whose causality (the idea of separation from God) never happened.

And don’t be afraid, because you won’t lose anything you really want, you wake up in Heaven and the projection of the illusory body continues until its end, an end that would have taken place anyway, whether you woke up before or not… the body is no longer your prison, the body is only an Avatar for the Spirit that you Are, which makes it move and speak in the service of Love. At your service, because you are the Love of God.

The Only Love because there is only ONE Love without discontinuity, nor difference, nor separation from God Himself who is this Divine Creator Love and that you are in Him.
Be blessed on your path of awakening, O Holy Son of God <3

And choose again.

Ananda L.

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