Ananda Laurent

114 Posts

Workshop “A course in miracles” – Reading, understanding and practicing

"A Course In Miracles" (ACIM) is a unique spiritual self-study program designed to awaken us to the truth of our oneness with God and...

Message from the Spirit regarding the use of Ayahuasca

Meditation, then shamanism, were part of my path to awakening. What came after my first direct experience of my oneness with our Source as pure...

Mushroom ceremony in Pisac (Peru)

Spiritual healing & awakening ceremonies with mushrooms (Niños Santos) Calendar 2024 of group cessions (If you prefer a private ceremony, it is also possible : check...

Deciding for God – Kenneth Wapnick

Let me share with you the first part of this wonderful workshop of Kenneth Wapnick : "Deciding for God"... and please tell me if...

Your immortal reality – by Gary Renard

For those of you familiar with this website and the teachings it offers, you'll already be aware of the importance of the teachings passed...