Tag: spirit

Message from the Spirit regarding the use of Ayahuasca

Meditation, then shamanism, were part of my path to awakening. What came after my first direct experience of my oneness with our Source as pure...

Mooji – Observing With Ego VS Ultimate Observing – Deep Inquiry

What is the difference between observing with Ego and Ultimate Observing ? Can we even observe with ego ? Yes we can and we...

Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East – Baird T Spalding (audiobook)

I was not a book reader when for the first time this book fold into my hands. And I devoured it ! 😉 I...

Are you relative? Or Absolute?

Relativity always involves observable Objects. Objects can be planets, stars, galaxies, etc. On a smaller scale, objects can be humans, animals, a table, a chair, a...

At some point… it shifts – The choice is yours

On the spiritual path of awakening, we see and feel the inner journey as that of the soul, the character, going towards God, the...