The hub is now open, what is this hub ?

Well, it is simple, this world needs peace and love 😉

This world is just a dream, but for the dreamer who still want to dream, the dream can be better with wisdom, peace and love, isn’t it ? 😉

We have on earth so many beautiful peace makers, advaita teachers, inspired artists and sound healers, who are often looking for gigs or inspired events where they can bring this Light to the world…

This hub is a bridge between our brothers and sisters in their companies (and/or families) and the healing, wisdom and inspiration from the Divine that our brothers and sisters inspired artists and advaita teachers are sharing on earth.

This hub help companies and families for inner peace, healing, inspiration, and joy, with advaita teaching and sound healing performances.

It is a free hub, open for artists to present their events and services, for that they can be contacted directly. And sometimes to be invited to come to our peace making missions in companies (paid gig) for one or 2 weeks.

It is also a free hub for all pure advaita teachers, mainly students and teachers of ACIM but not only. Same thing as for artists, they can be contacted directly (free promotion) on their usual plateformes, or they can also receive demands to join to events or insiste missions for companies who buy our peace making services.

For both peace teachers and artists who want to join us (it is not costing you anything), just contact us. A page to present all artists and teachers (and links to their plateformes) will be done soon (before February).

The marketing of the website will begin in march 2023.

With Love,


Our Meditation playlist that you can also listen during ceremonies :

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